Sqirrels Facinate Resident Artist


After dinner, as was our custom, we sat on the cabin front porch and watched the clouds, the distant hills, discussed the weather, observed the shifting light, followed the movements of noisy Magpies as they flew from perch to perch, the Snowshoe Hares as they darted in and out of nearby shrubs, and the pesky squirrels who lived under the deck. After awhile I realized that the squirrel activity had changed dramatically, instead of feeding they were hauling huge loads of dried grass into the holes under the wooden stoop. They ran back and forth with amazing speed, never letting up, and each time before ducking under the aging planks they stopped for a brief second, stood upright and looked directly in our direction. Then, in a split second they dropped down on all four feet and began stashing the grassy stacks into the cache. Back and forth they ran, tirelessly, and were still working when we retired for the night. What did they know? What caused the change? Survival instinct is inbred in the wilderness and something that we seem to have lost the more civilized we become.

Gail Niebrugge, Denali Artist-in-Residence

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  1. What a lovely photo, Gail. We have had house guests so am catching up on reading my emails and blogs I follow.

    In spite of the poor weather conditions you have been experiencing, I have found your posts very interesting. I am beginning to realise just how lucky we were when we rode the green bus to Wonder Lake the last week of the season in 2005, when we had sunny weather and clear views of Mt McKinley all day and from the train the day before.

    Blessings to you,

  2. Thank you Noella. You were indeed fortunate.

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