Moose Creek Railroad Trail Landslide


We finally found a narrow footpath along the bluff above Moose Creek and eagerly began our hike. A short while later we came to a steep gravel bank where high above the rusted iron railroad rails were suspended in the air, hanging like clotheslines. The entire bluff was washed away in a huge landslide and the trail came to an abrupt end. I carefully walked to the edge to see if any detour had been established, but none was visible. One could try climbing the slippery scree with the balance of youth, and no doubt reach the rails and find the railbed again, but it is almost certain that more washouts lie ahead. So much for my plan to hike the “easy to moderate” trails in the Matanuska Valley. I think we need to find something labled “for beginners.”

Gail Niebrugge, Alaska Artist

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