Duck at Brunch

Mosquito Hatch

We have had a wet, cool Spring, thus a giant hatch of mosquitoes have invaded. Today I fired up two Mosquito Magnets and soon their mesh bags will be full of the bodies of dead mosquitoes! Yay!!

Nesting Sign Sinking

Ooops! The Rednecked Grebes have built a nest on the support braces of our Bird Nesting sign, and it is ready to sink. In this photo I can see one egg, but I’m sure there are several more. The Grebes won’t let us get near the nest to make repairs, so what will be, will […]

Immature Bald Eagle Eying Potential Lunch

This juvenile Bald Eagle hung around watching the lake and then eying Princess. We took Princess inside for safety. Her outdoor kennel has a wire mesh roof for just this very situation.

Quiet Hours on the Lake Start at 11:00PM

Another idiot, where are their brains? This is a residential lake with homes all along the shore. Do they think we love hearing loud speed boats while we try to sleep? Troopers will be called if it happens again.

Nesting Area Do Not Disturb

I hired a helper for the yard and one of his jobs was to put the floating sign out at the edge of our cove. It was produced by Alaska Fish and Game and warns that this is a nesting area and do not disturb. It works very well, the boats stay away and we […]

Mallards and Wigeons

Springtime is when the migrating birds and ducks come back to Alaska to nest, and they often pause on our lake or lawn to feed and rest during the long flight. Yesterday we had our resident pair of Mallard ducks and a visiting pair of American Wigeons.

Barrows Golden Eye Pair Visit

A beautiful pair of Barrows Golden Eye stopped for a rest yesterday, then continued onto their nesting grounds after feeding. This was taken from inside the house, if I tried to get closer outdoors they would have flown away.

Ice Shards

This is truly break-up, the surface ice splintering into sharp shards. It will be all melted by tomorrow.

Slow Down, Idiot!

The rules of our lake include a no wake zone 100′ from shore. This idiot is not only creating a wake, but driving through a critical nesting area. I normally put out a floating sign designating the nesting area and to “keep out”, but the ice only went out yesterday. I’ve got to get the […]

Ice Melting Fast

Open water along shore is making the Mallards happy. I’m thinking by the first of next week the lake ice will all be gone.

Nasty Bonapartes are Back

I’m not looking forward to the Bonaparte Gulls building a nest in the big spruce tree down by the dock. I try to discourage nest building there. Once eggs are layed, the gulls will dive bomb anyone coming near the tree. I wear a hard-hat and carry a push broom overhead for protection. Go somewhere […]

Mallard Pair

This female Mallard has a next down by the water in the weeds, the male stands guard from the vantage point of our lawn. It is unusual to see her off the nest. Such a handsome pair!

Lake Weeds

Wow, the water in the lake is really low! This is the first time I’ve seen the weeds that are usually under water, sticking out on top.

First Mallards

A male and a female Mallard arrived and have begun to build a nest in the woods next to the house. I can’t wait to see the baby chicks.

Unsafe Ice

Don’t walk on thin ice! There are warm water springs out there making some ice much thinner than others. If someone is foolish enough to tread on thin ice, good luck to you for the rescue. Someone would have to launch a boat and drag it over the ice and water. By that time you […]

Spring Break-up Begins

I would not recommend driving on the lake again until next winter once it freezes 3′ deep. I did see some ice fishermen out there this morning with their tent, but it looks like they walked. Smart! Depending on the weather and wind, we could be ice-free within several weeks. Yay!!

Blowing Cold

It is hard to see in this photo but the wind is blowing snow across the lake. It is 13 degrees with strong wind. Time to stay indoors.

Golf Tournament

Hurricanes in California, meanwhile in Alaska the Lions Club is sponsoring a golf tournament on our lake. Beautiful sunny day.

Fishing Derby

Last weekend was the annual Ice Fishing Derby on our lake. Busy times.

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